Pitch Competition FAQ
General Questions
Why prize money for startups?
How will C-Tribe ensure that the prize processes are inclusive and equitable?
How much prize money can applicants receive?
Will the judging committee or reviewers have to sign an NDA?
What is the composition of a strong business idea to submit?
What is a minimum viable product (MVP)?
Who is eligible to apply for the C-Black Pitch Competition?
Who can I contact for assistance?
Application Eligibility
Do I need a legal company formed to apply?
What kind of businesses are eligible to apply?
Can I apply for this pitch competition if I’m not a Canadian citizen and/or a Canadian company?
Can I submit more than one business idea?
Can non-profit organizations apply?
In what language will applications be accepted?
What will happen if I submit my application after the deadline?
What happens if I raise more dilutive funding after I submit my application?
Can I participate on multiple teams in the same application cycle?
What is a “lead”?